What is LED glass?
For many people, the concept of a transparent LED screen is quite unfamiliar, instead, glass LED is the more commonly used name. So in this article we will reveal what kind of product LED glass is and how it is applied in promoting brands today.
Why is it called LED glass?
Originating from practical applications, the name " led glass " became simple and widely used in the LED industry. LED screens are often installed behind clear glass panels to display many different images, colors, and messages.
In fact, LED glass is a transparent LED screen , because it is mainly used to install behind the glass of each store, so it can take advantage of this beautiful and convenient space to promote the brand. One of the things worth paying attention to is how transparent LED screens (glass LEDs) are applied in life.
Applications of LED glasses in life?
Like their name suggests, glass LEDs have a variety of applications in displaying on glass walls. Instead of using the form of advertising pasted posters or hanging banners, which is both overwhelming and unfashionable, LED glass is the most effective method.
Below are some illustrations of using LED glass in brand promotion
LED screen at MUMUSO Nguyen Hue
This is also one of the successful LED glass projects. MUMUSO can now flexibly change messages as well as promotional content and promotions at different times. Project details:
Product model: NR series
Screen size: 2.5m x 1m
Location of the project: Mumuso Nguyen Hue store
Project duration: 2018
Led glass at MUMUSO Nguyen Hue store
LED screen at Gamuda Land
With only 4m2 of LED, belonging to the NR series - Gamuda's front glass facade becomes much more different. Combined with the existing automatic door structure, LED glass even further promotes its important role in beautification. Now, with just simple designs, the content displayed on LED glasses can change depending on wishes, different times as well as different programs of the year.

installing LED screens at Gamuda Land
See more information about LED screens at Gamuda
LED screen participated in Trung Nguyen's exhibition event
If we talk about widespread applications, we cannot help but mention the application of using LED screens to participate in many exhibitions. Most recently, there was the opportunity to collaborate and participate in an exhibition with the famous coffee brand TRUNG NGUYEN. That's why the LED screen is tested in a field other than glass and it is confirmed that transparent LED will make the booth stand out more than usual.

Smart display poster changes appropriate content in McDonald's stores
Another application of LED glass used in many retail chains is the smart electronic poster line. Why is that, they are not too large in size, easy to install, display well and especially! MC store chain is one of the locations that effectively applies smart electronic posters (electronic posters at McDonald's )
Vincom Trade Center Tran Duy Hung
For conventional LED screens, installation by hovering in the air is not easy, and can even be dangerous. But for transparent LEDs, this is quite easy. For large shopping centers, brand promotion is extremely necessary and the means to do this is transparent LED screens .
LED screen application for shopping centers
Not only the above projects, LED glass is also applied in many other fields and industries such as hotels, 4S stores, showrooms, festivals, stages, etc. In today's modern society, LED Throughout the day, it is increasingly asserting its role as a valuable assistant in brand promotion.