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Creative display solution with transparent LED screen for shopping malls


Are you looking for a way to turn your mall into a must-see destination? " Innovative display solutions " from Luxmage are the key to attracting and retaining customers. With the explosion of modern LED screen technology, your commercial space will become more vibrant and attractive than ever. Join us to discover optimal, unique and effective solutions to create a top-notch shopping experience that captivates people at first sight.



The Importance of Creative Display Solutions in Shopping Malls

The passage of time has also witnessed the strong development and profound influence of this technology on shopping centers. More than just an advertising medium, creative display solutions are the key to enhancing customer experience and effectively increasing sales.


1. Attract Attention and Increase Customers

A shopping center with innovative display solutions, especially LED screens, has the ability to attract attention from afar. Vivid and sharp images not only make the space eye-catching but also create an impressive highlight, attracting potential customers. LED screens can display advertisements, promotions, and special events, helping to increase brand presence and attract a significant number of customers.

2. Enhance Customer Experience

Creative display solutions do not just stop at promoting products or services, but also play an important role in enhancing customers' shopping experience. Interactive LED screens help customers easily find product information, get directions within the center and participate in interactive entertainment activities. This creates a more modern, convenient and interesting shopping environment.

3. Optimize Space and Aesthetics

Transparent LED screens are a breakthrough in optimizing space and aesthetics for shopping centers. They do not obscure vision, helping to maintain ventilation and natural light in the space. With the ability to display information without losing overall beauty, transparent LED screens are the perfect choice for commercial centers that want to enhance aesthetic value and luxury.

4. Economic Efficiency

An cannot-be-ignored benefit of creative display solutions is the economic efficiency it brings. Although the initial investment may be high, with its long lifespan and low maintenance costs, LED screens are an economical solution in the long run. Furthermore, the ability to flexibly change content helps shopping centers easily update new information without being as costly as traditional advertising methods.

5. Create a Distinctive Mark

In a fiercely competitive environment, creating a unique mark is a key factor to attract and retain customers. LED screens with creative designs and unique content help your shopping center stand out from the crowd, building a strong and distinct brand image.

In conclusion, creative display solutions with LED screens are not only a powerful advertising tool but also an important factor that helps enhance customer experience, optimize space and create business efficiency. outstanding economics. Investing in this technology is a smart move to take your shopping center to the next level, differentiate yourself and attract more and more customers.



Benefits of Transparent LED Screens for Displays in Shopping Malls

Transparent LED screens are becoming an advanced trend in display and promotion at shopping centers. Below are the outstanding benefits of this technology:

1. Enhance Visual Effects

Transparent LED screens provide the ability to display vivid and sharp images without losing the aesthetics of the space. Advertising images and videos played on this screen will attract customers' attention at first sight. This is especially useful for displaying products, introducing promotions or special events.

2. Maintain Open Space and Natural Light

One of the biggest advantages of transparent LED screens is the ability to preserve open space and natural light. This is very important in commercial centers, where airy space and natural light are always highly appreciated. The transparent LED screen allows light to pass through, without creating a heavy or cramped feeling, while still displaying clear and attractive content.

3. High Aesthetics

Transparent LED screens help maintain and even enhance the aesthetic value of shopping malls. With a thin, light and modern design, they are not only an advertising tool but also a part of the interior architecture, creating a luxurious and modern beauty for the display space.

4. Save Space

Unlike traditional screens, transparent LED screens do not require space behind for installation. This helps save space, allowing shopping centers to use space more effectively. Products can be placed behind the screen while still being easily seen, creating a convenient and unique shopping experience for customers.


5. Flexible and Easy to Customize

The thin, light transparent LED screen (only 12kg/m2) can be easily customized to fit all different sizes and shapes of display spaces. This flexibility allows shopping centers to easily change layouts, update advertising content and interact with customers effectively.


6. Long-term economic efficiency

Although the initial investment cost for transparent LED screens may be higher than traditional screens, in the long run, they bring high economic efficiency. The lifespan of LED screens is long, low energy consumption and lower maintenance costs, helping shopping centers save costs and improve investment efficiency.

7. Make a Difference and Make Your Own Mark

In a competitive environment, creating a difference is the key factor to attract customers. Transparent LED screens help shopping centers stand out and create a unique mark. Creative advertising content and unique display space will make customers remember and return to your center more.

8. Enhance Interaction with Customers

Some transparent LED screens are equipped with touch technology, allowing customers to interact directly with displayed content. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also helps shopping centers collect data and better understand customer needs and preferences to come up with effective business strategies.

In short, transparent LED screens bring many benefits for display and promotion in shopping malls. From enhancing visual effects, saving space, enhancing aesthetics to long-term economic efficiency and creating a distinct mark, this technology is truly an innovative and advanced display solution, helping shopping centers not only attract customers but also enhance the comprehensive shopping experience.

Prime Locations To Install Transparent LED Screens In Shopping Centers

Main Entrance Area

The main entrance is the first place customers see when entering the shopping center, so this is the ideal location to install a transparent LED screen. LED screens not only create a strong first impression with a modern and luxurious space but also attract customers' attention with vivid advertising content. In addition, transparent LED screens help convey messages effectively, enhance brand recognition and maintain ventilation and natural light for the entrance area. This is the perfect solution to enhance customer experience right from the first step.




Automatic doors with transparent LED screens are a modern solution for shopping centers. As customers approach, vivid images and videos displayed on the screen create a unique first impression and attract attention. This screen helps convey advertising messages, promotions, and event information flexibly, and is also an automatic door to help enhance brand recognition. With the ability to maintain an airy and bright space, transparent LED screen automatic doors provide a welcoming and comfortable experience for customers.



Skylight Area , Grand Hall, Facade

In shopping malls, transparent LED screens are not simply an advertising medium but also contribute to creating a modern design and comfortable shopping space. One of the ideal locations to install transparent LED screens is the atrium area, large lobby and facade - where it is easiest to attract customers' attention. The double-sided transparent LED screens in these areas not only ensure high aesthetics but also create a unique technological highlight.

With customization in size and shape, transparent LED screens can be designed diversely and creatively, bringing a great visual experience and a modern feel to customers. However, if installing a hanging transparent LED screen, a thorough survey and strict compliance with safety regulations during construction is extremely important to ensure safety and effective use.




LED Glass - Modern Solution for Balustrades in Shopping Centers


Equipping LED glass instead of railings in shopping centers not only expands display and advertising functions but also ensures aesthetics and harmony in modern architecture, along with bearing capacity and stability. highest determination.

To choose a suitable LED screen for railings in shopping malls, criteria to consider include:

- Custom design of the fence structure to ensure maximum strength and stability. 
- Use hardware manufactured by leading brands, recognized and trusted in the market. 
- Surface with anti-fingerprint technology, easy to clean and environmentally friendly. 
- Use double-sided tempered glass to prevent shattering and ensure everyone's safety. 
- Apply waterproof protection layer to protect the power source dry and effectively ground.

Applying LED glass to railings not only increases aesthetics but also ensures safety and efficiency in use, suitable for modern and advanced commercial environments.




Renovate Signs and Directions with LED Transparent Glass


The appearance of signs and instructions using transparent LED glass marks a new step forward in the shopping center industry. This technology can be applied to:


- Booth and store signs: Create highlights to attract customers and enhance brand value.
- Elevator signage: Helps guide customers to move easily and quickly.
- Directional signs to other areas in the center: Optimize customer shopping experience.
- Emergency exit and hygiene exit signs: Ensure safety and convenience for users.
- Directional signs to exits, entrances and basements: Improve the travel process in the shopping center.

The synchronous use of signs and signage in shopping centers using transparent glass LED technology not only makes the space more modern and cleaner but also brings flexibility and convenience in changing change the message displayed. This is a great step forward in improving the shopping experience and safety for users.




Prestigious LED Screen Installation Unit for Shopping Centers


The transparent LED screen market for shopping centers is currently extremely vibrant with many high-quality products being launched to meet the increasingly demanding needs of customers. However, besides genuine products with advanced technology, there are also many poor quality imitation products.

As a pioneer in the field of transparent LED screens in Vietnam, Luxmage is committed to providing genuine, high-tech products, while giving customers peace of mind with comprehensive solutions. and professional. From design, installation to maintenance, we always ensure to meet the unique needs of each project and each customer.

If you are interested in transparent LED screens, please contact us for the best advice and support.

Contact us at:

Vi Luc Technology Company Limited - LUXMAGE 
Address: 80, Street 9, Ward 9, Go Vap District, City. HCM 
Hotline: 0988.895.066 - 093.333.5066 


Posted by: Admin - Date: 18-06-2024